
Through our extensive and inclusive events and programmes, we strive to promote the City of Edinburgh as a centre of sustainable creative and cultural excellence. We have recently completed our Sustainable Creativity and Innovation Project, find out more here.

Our policy

We recognise the impact that our activities – as individuals, creative practitioners and businesses – can have on the environment and are committed to reducing these impacts by setting and achieving clearly defined objectives and targets, as well as developing frameworks to achieve continual improvement.

We developed our Business Plan 2022-27 with the ambition of being acknowledged as exemplars of best practice in sustainable creativity management alongside other national creative networks and to meet the City of Edinburgh Council’s net zero 2030 target and the Scottish Government’s net zero 2045 target.

Our commitments

Our commitments to sustainability are to reduce our carbon impact and increase our positive contributions to sustainable creative practice among our staff, partners and members. To achieve this, we will:

• Integrate and promote the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision-making and activities across the organisation and to our stakeholders;

• Provide guidance and resources to staff, partners and members to meet the commitments of this policy, through training, advice and information and to encourage them to develop their own initiatives;

• Communicate our environmental and sustainability commitments and practices to staff, partners and members and encourage their support and participation;

• Develop an internal Sustainability Action Plan and carry out its biannual review;

• Continually strive to improve our sustainability efforts and annually report on our progress;

• Strive to meet City of Edinburgh’s net-zero target by 2030.